DScaler Aspect Ratio Settings

Most of the aspect ratio settings can be controlled from the menu. The settings shown below are those that cannot be accessed in this way

Setting Default Description
Custom Screen Aspect 1335 The aspect value used when custom is selected for display screen ratio.
Auto Detect Aspect Sensitivity 40 Luma values below this are considered balck by the auto aspect ratio code.
Ignore Non-Black Pixels 3 Used by auto aspect ratio code, if there are more non black pixels than this then the line is not considered black/
Zoom In Frame Count 60 Number of times we need to detect a letterboxed picture before changing mode
Zoom Out Frame Count 3 Number of consecutive frame before autodetction code will switch to a lower ratio.
Aspect History Time 300 Number of seconds the successive ratios are saved and can be restored quickly if detected.
Aspect Consistency Time 15 ???
Skip Percentage 17 Amount of left and right edges of the screen that should not be used by the black bar detection code.
Chroma Range 16 Used by balck bar detection. This is the range of deviation from back allowed in chroma information.
Allow greater ratio than screen ratio ON Can be used (when OFF) to disable ratio greater than screen ratio.
Use WSS data OFF When ON, the automatic aspect ratio detection takes into account the WSS data including in the VBI data.
Use only WSS data OFF When ON, the automatic aspect ratio detection uses only the WSS data including in the VBI data to do its choices for ratio. This setting is relevant only when "Use WSS data" is ON.
Bounce Period (Secs) 1800 Number of seconds between bounce movements
Bounce Timer Period (ms) 1000 Frequency that bounce time is checked.
Bounce Amplitude (%) 100 Percenage of full range that bounce operates on
Orbit Timer Period (ms) 60000 Period between orbit movements
Orbit Size 8 Number of pixels range that orbit operates on. Overscan must be at least this value.